Evento Progress: Fuori Gioco

Parco della Caffarella Parco della Caffarella, Roma, Italia

Outdoor sports day in the Caffarella Park in Rome, where the Multiplier event of the #Progress project will take place. The selected educational games from the app will be played, and above all, there will be great fun! Join us, children and adults alike, we look forward to seeing you!


Sport day in Stupava- Slovakia

Športové ihrisko v parku vedľa Makovíc Park 396/1, Stupava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Don't you have an agenda for the holiday ? Come with your children to the park, they will have fun here. They will play fun team games, spend time outdoors in the fresh air. It's not just the kids who have to play, parents can also join in and compete with their little ones. Come […]
